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The level of depressive symptomatology was assessed using a self-report questionnaire, the updated German version of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) known in.

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Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility [Ellen J. Langer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. If we could turn back the. As Harvard social psychologist Ellen Langer discovered in her now famous “ Counterclockwise” study, the key is the human mind. In the ‘s, Langer and her. For more than thirty years, award-winning social psychologist Ellen Langer has studied this provocative question, and now, in Counterclockwise, she presents.

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Dec 10, Jen rated it it was ok. For instance, how many people in the study; the actual changes in these characteristics; if the improvements were permanent; if it was really the environment or would any well organized, fun retreat eg a cruise yield the same result eg there was no control group? And you may well come up with a solution. She has been criticised by some for over-reliance on a single study involving a relatively small group of men in the late seventies, and I think that’s a valid criticism; however, that doesn’t detract from the many interesting suggestions he has about how to live and age better.

Langer Your purchase helps support NPR programming. Download film sub indo. I haven’t read widely about “mindfulness” and “flow,” though, so maybe I’m just missing something.

Each of these is examined through the lens of her theory of mindfulness. She is best known for a unique study of nursing home residents.

You have inspired me to lighten up, looosen up, and now smarten up. To ask other readers counterclockwiss about Counter Clockwiseplease sign up.

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Counter Clockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility

Many of the limitations which prevent us from taking these steps are preconceived notions personally held as well as societal expectations defining countercllckwise is appropriate for a given age. She is a fantastic storyteller, and Counterclockwise is a fascinating story about the unexpected ways in which our minds and bodies are connected. There are more possibilities Perspective increases the possibilities, but also helps you evaluate the choices available.

For example, many older people have arthritic conditions, and struggle getting out of car seats, sideways my hand is up, here ; so why don’t car manufacturers mak The subtitle of the paperback version of this book, ‘A proven way to think yourself younger and healthier’ makes it sound a bit happy-clappy, airy-fairy, ‘manifest-me-a-new-body sort of thing; but actually, it’s full of interesting suggestions for the ways in we, as individuals, and as a society, can improve our experience of ageing.

This makes it all the more surprising that I found the book to seem more like an informercial for ‘natural cures’. Through the practice of being mindful, Dr Langer provides a different perspective langr health and aging.

Counter Clockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility by Ellen J. Langer

I give Langer credit for looking at the labels we use to describe illness coujterclockwise concluding that most of them have bias and too many are vague. They get mired down in philosophical tangents and I had to skip a bit of the middle of this one just to finish. What a great reminder of the awesome power of Possibility in our lives, frequently we live or days with a fixed mindset, accepting everything as is without questioning.

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Mar 27, Tracy rated it really liked it Shelves: Your purchase helps support NPR programming.

So, five stars for waking up my brain. We can personally redefine process of aging in a far more positive light.

Published May 19th by Ballantine Books first published January 1st Refresh and try again. Oct 17, Betty rated it it was amazing. Author seemed only too happy to keep reviewing her own published literature.

Ellen Langer: Counterclockwise

It had an interesting perspective. This book can help see other ways of viewing aging in positive ways. She is not advocating this, and I appreciate the point the langdr few times, especially as she talked about it with reference to her counterclockwise study. Apparently, this countercllckwise be due to the different ways our brains interpret an imminent barrier as opposed to an imminent opportunity.

I especially loved her ability to reframe everything we think about aging and illness in such a simple and practical way.

And it’s even more than that. Among other honors, she is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and three Distinguished Scientist Awards, the World Congress Award, the NYU Alumni Achievement Award, and the Staats award for Unifying Psychology, and has authored eleven books and over research articles on the illusion of control, perceived control, successful aging, decision-making, to name a few of the topics.

Dec 11, Shahana Dostaliyeva rated it liked it. Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email. Any work that results in a positive shift in one’s thinking merits 5 stars. There are increasing levels of bullshit that are affecting our quality of life, and this book is one tool that could assist you with making better sense out of a puzzling overload of information.

Aug 01, Gita rated it it was amazing. Longer created a facility that suggested and provided for physical and mental activity and nearly everyone in the study responded positively to it. At times, the thread that holds all the stories together gets a little lost, but overall it is quite interesting.

We can continue to break new ground, detour from established patterns and seek new challenges despite our increasing years. Even when you’re thinking, what is stressful is the worry that you’re not going to get the answer right, not the actual playing with the material.

For example, many older people have arthritic conditions, and struggle getting out of car seats, sideways my hand is up, here ; so why don’t car manufacturers make car seats that swivel? Focus on the gift of a few moments alone. But it was very repetitive. Dr Langer vastly overstates her findings and their implications and is intellectually dishonest in this terrible misuse of authority and the claim to expertise. A control group of 8 went on a second retreat in exactly the same setting a week later but aspects of the second condition were altered to reflect more present day issues and topics.

Has there been a stressful situation in your life that you turned around by reframing your outlook? A group of resear My friend Brad gave me this book as a gift. Basically the fact that nothing is certain, and you should not affix mindless value to medical prognosis.

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Abstract. Using cut-off scores in screening tests is an economical way to identify disorders in individuals. Two case-control studies were conducted among healthy and inpatient psychotherapy samples. Patients were suffering from depressive disorders. In the first study (N = 296) we used a German short form of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) for screening purposes. In the second study (N = 154) we used the trait scale of the State-Trait Depression Scales (STDS-T). Based on Rasch model analyses, the item-person maps showed that both instruments are suitable to assess depressive mood in healthy and patient samples. Analyses of the areas under the receiver-operating characteristic curves revealed a high diagnostic power of both instruments. Several cut-off scores were evaluated regarding sensitivity, specificity, and Youden-criterion. Following the Youden-criterion, the optimal cut-off scores for diagnosing depressive disorders were ≥18 for the CES-D and ≥ 25 for the STDS-T. The analyses provide empirical evidence for clinical decision-making.

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