Please copy this link and open it in your browser
The Reverbnation bot from Rootjazz is the ultimate Reverbnation Bot available today. Learn how to increase your Reverbnation chart position by increasing your tracks plays, video plays, favourites, likes, comments, questions. I am using 150 private proxies, and accordingly with the boot logs the plays worked successfully both in the RN counter there is no updates on.
1.423 01/05/2019- unfan from selection textbox length increased
- unfan from file selection option added
- do not process duplicate items functionality added
- proxy scrape filter fixes
- signup logic updates
- rebuild for dll inclusion
- charts search update
- proxy scrape update to handle failed country lookups
- proxy scrape update
- re-added old style user search to scraper tab
- re-added old style user search to scraper tab
- scrape local charts fix
- fix bug with scrape tab
- fix issues in last build
- updated login
- updated user search
- updated chart search
- versioning
- rebuild
- HTTPS tls update
- scraping videos update
- commenting update
- versioning
- signup country / city / zip fix
- signup image dump of screen for debugging on stage3
- signup debugging fix attempt
Captcha required for login: If so, you will need 2captcha credit -info here
- 2captcha support added for login
- logging failed debugging logs
- update login routine due to RVN changes
- multi account login
- commenting now supports 2captcha solving
- update become fan module
- messaging pausing fix
- fix bug with scrape videos from old profile style
- include missing /inc/ files for browser modules
- versioning
- updated to scrape videos from new layout
- versioning
- fix for new RVN profiles
- updated for new RVN profiles
- Browser based signup *SINGLE THREAD ONLY*
- versioning
- plays update
- detect over unfanning per hour limit
- pause after each unfan
- login detection for fan accounts update
- unfan updates due to site changes
- add more successful login detection methods
- updates due to RVN changes - login / fanning
- handle errors after action in building action description
- pause functionality added to commenting and messagin
- updated send message module due to RVN update
- loading bug fix for processor
- unfan update unfollow if not following you
- unfan update
- unfan update
- do not subscribe to mailing list when become a fan
- minor update
- widget scrape if HTTPS widget URL
- update to become fan due to site change
- update to user search due to site changes
- update plays due to site changes
- better handling users with multiple accounts on a single email
- update search charts
- improve plays logging
- updated unfan routine
- updated to new search
- rebuild for gui issues
- update for account creation process
- scrape video track video url bug fixed
- versioning
- update to be able to scrape tracks
- do not show message box after each item in file in scrape followers of from file
- bulk log appends files and doesn't store in memory to avoid out of memory exception on huge scrapes
- bulk search and proxy support for email scrape
- min and max added to mass incest fans
- save is artist option on accounts form
- versioning
- fan update profile description bug fixed
- added email address scraper to scrape tab
- upload fan avatars fixed
- rebuild
- update fan login
- update import settings to include email to allow for forced email fan login
- allow import / export of fan accounts
- fix bug with cancel out of track selection screen
- indexing error on mass actions
- harden scrape followers of
- fan module update
- mass fav bulk select tracks
- randomise order of accounts in mass modules
- repeat every X hours and Y times added to modules
- bulk select video plays
- bulk select track plays
- Mass fans works with a file path
- fixed become fan for artist
- upload av for fans
- fixed label login
- widget plays proxy control updated
- widget plays repeat options added
- ability to friend fans
- ability to fan labels fans
- ability to comment on labels
- ability to comment on fans
- abilty to schedule all modules
- Update login due to RVN changes
- Add account bug where doesn't record email address
- upload avatar for fan accounts bug fixed
- verify fan accounts bug fixed
- record if account is fan or artist
- updated email verification routine
- Custom db instances
- Fixed image uploader due to RVN site changes
- scrape followers output correct URL and not relative
- added scrape tab with scrape followers
- fixed issues todo with signup caused by RVN changes
- fixed issues with fan accounts
- recoded updated plays increaser to browser plays for hopeful better success rate
- updated plays increaser due to RVN site changes
- login with out email, specify email as
- bulk reassign proxies to accounts
- Fixed bugs with manually adding accounts and email not saving, causing some accounts to not log in due to the fact they cannot login with username
- Added option to create FAN accounts (as well as ARTIST accounts)
- Better logging of widget plays
- Added profileprofile URL to Edit Accounts form to open URL on click
- Fixed repeat plays bug using minutes not hours - doh
- Fixed bug with repeat plays routine with scraping proxies
- Updated to handle change in Plays action due to RVN site layout change
- Rebuild versioning
- Login with username if no email entered
- Fixed problem with account signup verification
- Debugging build for verification mail contents pull
- Verification link transformed to correct schema (https://www.) for verification to suceed
- Pull verification mail in html mode due to bug in where they send out the wrong mail in plain text mode
- Rebuild for verification fix mk2
- Update email verification routine (again) due to changes in verification link
- Update email verification routine due to changes in verification link
- Fixed issue with user location search if general search control contained text
- public release
- fixed issue with video plays
- rebuild
- Email reverification
- added upload mp3 titles
- upload mp3 track titles
- Added pause to verify emails
- Fixed commenting issue due to RVN website updates
- Rebuild - logging for account content uploads
- Handle crash during signup
- Unique proxies import function added
- filter in proxies remembered
- Detect account failed to create reasons and out
- another loop in the wall
- Rebuild
- Fixed issue MP3 post loop
- Improved logging of profile image post
- Retry failed posts of profile image post
- Fix issue with inf loop when use bad proxies in ac creation
- Rebuild
- Question feature
- Question on become fan
- Bug fixes
- profile content, audio, photos, youtube videos
- validate profiles
- validate logins
- logging for captcha verification
- rebuild
- Proxy filter in option added back
- Fixed validate proxies bug
- Increased more account logging
- repeat plays action
- Increased account logging
- Import proxy buttons
- Delete failed login button
- Fixed issue with import email accounts
- Fixed issue with Likes / Favs
- Filter and view proxies by country to improve incresae functions
- Create accounts using catchall email address and imported email accounts
- Fixed Gmail issue with not retrieving all emails until old mails deleted
- Track fav - artist select
- Better account creation logging
- Only try to login and post profile details for accounts that success in account verification
- Handled exception during Mass Commenting
- Account creation modified to work with new Reverbnation signup procedure
- Minor bug fixes
- Pause to all functions
- Video search from artist video page
- Track search from artist profile
- Account creation creates specified number
- Select all on multi line textboxes
- Plays increaser bug fixed
- Pause to videos
- Pause to accounts
- No Video Plays
- Music Blog
- Social Media
- No Video Plays
- Music Blog
- Social Media
- 10000 Video Plays
- Music Blog
- Social Media
- 10000 Video Plays
- Music Blog
- Social Media
- 15000 Video Plays
- Music Blog
- Social Media
We have rated 5 out of 5 by 1500+ Customers who posted more than 5000 Orders till now.
Be Popular. Grab the number 1 position on your genre.
Let your music reach to audience and gain more real fans. Our premium promotion helps artist gain top rank on chart both for local and global rank. We do promote your music through our music network channel and social media campaign.
We Promote Your ReverbNation Music. We provide authentic song plays promotion, video plays promotion,and fan promotion to your reverbnation profile.It will help you to promote your rank on reverbnation.We ensure the best quality real play for your ReverbNation music. Play is the most important factor to get rank on reverbnation.We promote your song play,video play and widget impression for your profile. You will get more plays, get higher rank on reverbnation.When you get higher rank, you will get more organic play from listener and become more popular.
For an old and popular artist it is easy to get top rank on reverbnation.Because,they have a lot fan already.But, for a new one,it is not so easy to get featured even if he has quality to convinced people by his creation. People listen top ranked artist and become fan of them. We help new artist to be get top rank and become popular . If you can promote your rank to top , you must get many organic listener and become popular .
Reverbnation consider some fact to rank any artist. This site do not know who is new or who is old. It consider song play,video play , fan to rank an artist. Among them, the most important factor is song play and video play. We help you to get many song plays and video plays to be top on chart and get featured on reverbnation.
You will get all real plays on your profile.We do marketing your music to our channel. We have many people working with you.So, you will get the highest quality work.
Just order our package and promote your rank on reverbnation.
We Offer Promotion For All :
Music industry getting larger day by day. And it become impossible to reach all your listener without any promotional activities. Now popular and well fan based artist also spent a lot for promotion their new release. This is because they do not want to keep their creation hidden from any single listener who may have interest on music.So, whatever new artist or old , promotion is must for your music. But, for a new artist promotion is more important than an old one. New artist need to be focused for first time, create a fan base for his music.
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Features of our Premium Promotion Services for an Artist
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We ensure real promotion for your reverbnation music or profile. After having an order, we start our job to promote you. We promote your music and profile to social media : facebook pages,twitter profiel and out partner music blog and forum. This is how, we ensure real promotion of your music.
NO Automated VIEWS or Plays:
We do not use any SOFTWARE to generate plays or views on artist’s profile. We know, reverbnation website authority always monitoring activities on your profile and when there will be such robotic activity, your profile will be BANNED. We are aware of this isuue.AND WE CARE … So, you can feel safe promoting your profile with our services.We ensure this is SAFE SERVICE.
We do not violate any reverbnation terms when promote you.We promote your view by real listeners and online traffic from different source. You may notice that also offer promotion of profile. So, promotion is not violation of terms. And they aslo give you an ESTIMATION that number of views you may get from this promotion and also take “money” for this promotion.WE ALSO DO THE SAME. We taking money for your promotion and we stop promotion when we reach to expected number of view or plays. As example, if you buy 1000 reverbnation song plays package, we start promotion and will continue until you have 1000+ song plays. We stop promtoion activity when you have minimum 1000 plays or views. You can easily understand our promotion is real.Because, software need 30-40 munited maximum to generate 1000 plays or views but we need about 24 hour to get this 1000 plays for your profile. As reverbnation authority aslo charge “money” for the promotion we also do same.
THERE IS NO FIXED ” TIME FRAME ” TO DELIVER THE ORDER,Because it is not possible for real promotion :
There is no “Fixed Time Frame ” to deliver the promotional services. You may think, this is a bad feature, but we want to let you know, this is not possible to set a fix time frame for real promotion. We will sent traffic or visitor to your track, this is not ensure that every traffic will listen or play your music or visit your profile. So, time can not be fixed to deliver. It may take 24 hour to deliver 1000 plays, and also may take 48 hour to completed. Our experience shows it takes average 24 hour for one thousand plays or views.But, it may vary.