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Discover Schneider Electric range of products in Electrical Design Software: ID-SPEC,My Ecodial L,My Ecodial S,Eco 8,SisVar International,Direct Coordination.
Cu SCARM poti crea usor aspectul de cale ferata dorit – doar descarca pachetul de instalare si incepe editarea primului tau plan de cale ferata.
In SCARM you can use unlimited number of tracks and objects from more than 200 libraries and instantly see your design in 3D preview with a single click.
Si nu uita – cel mai important lucru cand folosesti acest program este sa te distrezi
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Version 1.6.0 Multilingv
for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
for your inspiration
Testimonials |
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Help us to fill this box and send your feedback about SCARM by e-mail at .
Descarcare |
Dupa instalare, porneste programul si seteaza limba preferata din meniul 'View' > 'Language'.
If you are upgrading from a previous beta version, please, read the article Everything About The Transition to SCARM 1.0.0.
Caracteristici |
Ce poți să faci cu SCARM? Bosch dus 20 plus user manual.
Rachmaninoff vocalise piano accompaniment mp3 s. Vocalise, Op. 14 is originally a song by Sergei Rachmaninoff, composed and published in 1915 as the last of his 'Fourteen Songs'. Written for high voice (soprano or tenor) with piano accompaniment, Vocalise contains no words, but is sung using any one vowel of the singer's choosing. Rachmaninoff Vocalise Piano; Vocalise Piano. Massenet: Meditation from 'Thais' Saint-Saens: The Swan. Elgar: Salut d'Amour. Rachmaninov: Vocalise Op.34 No.14 in E. Monti: Czardas. Faure: Sicilienne, Op.78. Piano accompaniments for leisure and professional singing practice. Free downloads and affordable library of well known classical and traditional public domain music. For 19 years we provide a free and legal service for free sheet music without asking you anything in exchange. If you use and like, thank you to consider support donation.' Vocalise by Serge Rachmaninoff, arr. Arrangement from To Baker Street and Back, John Harle's Sax Album, published by Boosey and Hawkes. Piano accompaniment for practice purposes.
- Poti crea trasee complexe cu multe statii de tren pe suprafata mare
- Poti modela usor linii de cale ferata flexibile, in mod intuitiv si foarte realist
- Poti aseza liniile de cale ferata pe mai mult de un nivel, cu diferite inaltimi si pante ale sectiunilor alese din traseu
- Poti plasa tunele si poduri
- Poti desena figuri pentru a crea cladirile statiilor de tren, case, fabrici, etc. impreuna cu drumurile si infrastructura necesara
- Poti utiliza semafoare si semnale colorate pentru a crea sistemul de semnalizare al traseului
- Poti vedea planul realizat in mod tridimensional (3D) - selecteaza butonul '3D' din bara de instrumente
- Poti masura distante si lungimi ale sectiunilor de sina, utilizand functiile din meniul 'Scule (Tools)'
- Poti exporta sau tipari planul tau si al arata celorlalti constructori amatori entuziasti
- Poti vedea si tipari o lista cu necesarul de piese si chiar sa o utilizezi ca lista de cumparaturi
- You can extend the functionality of the main program with various extensions like the Model Trains Simulator
- Poti sa-ti imparti ideile cu autorul programului (in limba engleza), sa ceri noi facilitati pentru program si sa raportezi greseli daca le gasesti
Biblioteci feroviar disponibile |
Current version of SCARM supports more than 200 track and object libraries.*
- American Flyer S
- Bassett Lowke O Hand-made tracks
- Faller HO AMS
- Faller O Hit Train
- Faller O eTrain
- Fleischmann H0 Modell
- Fleischmann H0 Profi
- Hornby OO
- Hornby OO Dublo 2-rail
- Hornby OO Dublo 3-rail
- Hornby O 2-rail
- Hübner I
- Jatt ТТ Bima (turntable only)
- Jouef H0 New rails 1998-2000/01
- Kato N Unitrack
- Lima H0
- Lima H0 NEM120
- Lima H0 Hobby Line
- Lionel O Super O
- Lionel O K-Line SuperStreets
- Märklin H0 C
- Märklin H0 M
- Märklin H0 3600 series
- Märklin H0 3900 series
- Märklin Z Miniclub
- Marx O27
- Peco N Streamline & Set-track C80
- PIKO H0 Standard
- PIKO H0 Modell
- Rivarossi H0
- Roco H0 2.5mm Nickel Silver
- Roco H0 2.5mm Brass
- Tillig TT Standard (BTTB/Zeuke)
- Tri-ang OO Series 3
- Tri-ang OO Super 4
- Tri-ang TT A
- Tri-ang TT B
- Trix HO C
- Trix HO Express
- Wesa 13mm
- Signals BG L
- Signals DE S
- Signals IT L
- Signals NL L
- Signals UK L
- Signals UK S
- Signals US L
- Roadways
- Road signs CA
- Road signs EU
- Road signs US
- Lamps
- Trees
- Compasses
- Containers
Requires download - Cars (sedan)
Requires download
* Unele biblioteci nu sunt complete. Acuratetea datelor nu este garantata. Mai multe biblioteci vor fi editate in curand.
Informații, tutoriale și resurse |
The SCARM Blog is your ultimate source for updated information about the program. It contains many useful articles and resources about SCARM.
- SCARM – The Railway Modeller’s Blog
Blog-ul conține următoarele categorii:
- General - General information, news and events, related to SCARM
- Basic Stuff - SCARM basics and main features in details
- Advanced Techniques - For those who wants to become SCARM experts
- Tips & Tricks - Getting most productivity in your work with SCARM
- Tutorials & Examples - How-To’s and demos of using various SCARM functions and features
- Railroad Layouts & Design Ideas - Railway track plans, whole SCARM layouts and more for your inspiration
- Problems & Solutions - Troubleshooting in SCARM and workarounds of potential issues
Nu ratați tutoriale video despre SCARM create de către Ruud Boer.
- SCARM Video Tutorial Series
If you look for examples and projects designed in SCARM, go to Layouts and Track Plans online database and search by scale, size, tracks and more.
- SCARM Model Train Layouts & Track Plans
Join us in the social sites, share your comments and stay up-to-date with all SCARM news and events.
Legaturi folositoare |
Check these links to other model train related sites and resources.
- - The Internet Railroad Directory
- - International list of scale model related web sites
- - Creative model railways
- TT Scale Model Trains - The Perfect Gauge
- - Site for the real and model railways
- ANKA - Hearing aids, blood glucose & lactate meters, speech devices & cannulas, service and consumables
Program & Caracteristici
Ajutor & Resurse
Informații & Opinii
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© 2010-2019 de Milen Peev. Toate drepturile rezervate. Utilizeaza pe propria raspundere!
All mentioned brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Traducere benevola de Vasile Surducan.