Well Log Interpretation, Geology Analysis, Consulting Services. With our experienced professionals and using proprietary software, we provide our services at a. For example, if the calibration was off in one well, you can fix it with a bulk shift or gain and offset. PowerLog petrophysics software supports dual interval display during multi-well editing—you simply identify a soft interval and a hard interval and use them to calibrate the entire log.
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The advent of well logging in the 1920s and its subsequent development into a sophisticated technology revolutionized the oil and gas exploration and production industry. The ability to 'look and measure' such things as formation type, formation dip, porosity, fluid type and other important factors transformed the drilling and completion of oil and gas wells from an ill-defined art into a refined science. Logging development encompasses three major areas: electric logging, sonic or acoustic logging, and nuclear logging. An understanding of their development is an understanding of the industry's technical progress.
Electric logging
The genesis of electric well logging resides with Conrad Schlumberger, who while a physics professor at the Ecole de Mines de Paris, France, conceived the idea of prospecting for metal ore deposits by using their electrical conductivity to distinguish them from their less conductive surroundings. One of the first tests, according to Schlumberger historians, was performed in his bathtub, which was filled with various rocks for the experiment. Working with his brother Marcel Schlumberger, Conrad began a series of test surface surveys in Europe, Africa and North America over a 3-year period. Their discoveries included an oil-productive salt dome in Romania, a precursor of things to come.In 1926, the brothers formed Societe de Prospection Electrique and began to develop the theory that adding resistivity information from deeper formations would increase the effectiveness of their surface prospecting. By lowering an electric sonde down a 1,600-ft (488- m) well in France's Pechelbronn field Sept. 5, 1927, the brothers created the first well log. This log was painstakingly recorded point by point, meter by meter, using makeshift equipment and then plotted by stitching together the successive readings (Figure 1). The technology worked simply. Three electrodes - A, M and N - are lowered to the bottom of the wellbore on three insulated wires. Current from electrode A passes through the drilling mud and spreads out into the formation. The potentials measured at M and N are transmitted to the surface where they are measured. By measuring the potential difference between M and N, and the strength of current from A, the apparent formation resistivity is calculated (Figure 2). Following the initial success with the first electric resistivity logs, logging technology began to develop rapidly. In 1931, the accidental discovery of spontaneous potential (SP), produced naturally by the borehole mud at the boundaries of the permeable beds, led to an innovative new logging technique - simultaneously recording SP and resistivity curves. This technique enabled producers to differentiate permeable oil-bearing beds from impermeable, nonproducing ones. By 1936, the industry could augment resistivity logs with formation sample takers, automatic film recorders and multispacing resistivity curves for deep wells. The 1940s were a period of rapid development in logging technology despite the intervention of World War II. In 1941, logging took another major step forward with the introduction of the spontaneous-potential dipmeter, which greatly improved the vertical resolution of openhole logs. The tool allowed the calculation of a layer's dip - the deviation of that layer from true horizontal - and the direction of the dip. This measurement was improved further with the resistivity dipmeter in 1947 and the continuous resistivity dipmeter in 1952.
During the 1940s, development in other areas forced innovations in logging. One of the most important was the introduction of oil-based mud (OBM) in the Rangely, Colo., oil fields in 1948. OBMs are nonconductive. Normally configured electrical surveys require a conductive mud (water-based) system.1 The solution to logging in OBMs was the induction log, developed in the late 1940s. In induction logging, 'high-frequency AC of constant intensity is sent through a transmitter coil. The alternating magnetic field thus created induces secondary currents in the formation (that) flow in circular ground-loop paths coaxial with the transmitter coil. These ground-loop currents, in turn, create magnetic fields that induce signals in the receiver coil. The induced receiver signals are essentially proportional to the conductivity of the formation.'2 Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, electric logging continued to develop, but it was the computerized processing of logs that catapulted the sector ahead in 1962. Computerization allowed much faster log processing, thereby allowing the dramatic expansion of log
During the next three decades, sonic logging moved into several measurement fields, including:
Although nuclear logging has supplanted some of its functions, acoustic logging remains a vital part of the logging suite and regularly is run in some form in combination logging tools.
Nuclear logging
Logging using radiation of nuclear origin got its start in 1940. The initial nuclear logging tools recorded 'the natural gamma radiation emitted by the formations crossed through by boreholes. Of the three identified nuclear radiations - alpha, beta and gamma - only gamma radiation, which is of the electromechanical type, can be used in well logging because it alone has sufficient penetrating power to go through the formation and the steel casing.'From passive radioactive monitoring in the gamma ray tool, the logging industry moved rapidly to active nuclear bombardment and measurement. In a formation density log, first introduced in 1962, the borehole wall is irradiated with a gamma ray source. A gamma ray counter then records the reflected rays. The number of gamma rays returned vs. those diffused relates to the density of the formation. The industry took nuclear logging one step further with the introduction of neutron logs in the late 1960s. Neutron logs also measure returned gamma rays, but in this instance, those generated by fast- or slow-moving neutrons. Neutrons are emitted by mixed radioactive sources. 'Most of the (neutron's) energy lost is done so during collisions with hydrogen nuclei … After having traveled a certain distance, a neutron becomes 'thermal' or 'slow' and is captured by an atom, which emits a capture gamma ray.'6 Since the distance a neutron can travel without hitting a hydrogen nuclei varies with the amount of hydrogen present, both porosity and formation contents can be determined. The original neutron logs were augmented later by pulsed neutron logs and neutron spectroscopy logs.
One of the biggest breakthroughs in recent logging history has been the advent of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging. The technology has proven more potentially beneficial and more confounding than its early developers could have imagined.
NMR tools function by creating a magnetic field in the borehole and then sending out pulses that polarize the hydrogen in water, oil and gas in the formation. As these hydrogen nuclei realign themselves to the original magnetic field, they induce signals in the tool's receiver, which are recorded by electronics. The amplitude of the signal relates directly to porosity, and the signal relaxation time relates to the size of the pore spaces containing fluids, providing an indication of permeability. NMR is a fluids-only measurement; however, due to the interactions of the pore fluids with rock surfaces, the rock matrix can significantly influence the fluid response.
The technology has existed since the early 1960s, but it has taken several decades to refine the process, with Numar - now a Halliburton subsidiary - the first to bring a continuous NMR logging tool to the market. The result has been an offering of tools and associated products that provide better depth of investigation and more information than ever before while traveling at the same pace as a traditional triple combo.
Pipe-conveyed logging
For at least two decades, highly deviated holes have required loggers to run their suites of tools on pipe. Initially those efforts took the form of traditional logging tools run on coiled tubing with electric line run inside the tubing. Almost instantaneous information received continually at the surface - now known as logging-while-drilling (LWD) and measurement-while-drilling (MWD) - while the well was being drilled had always been a goal. That goal was within range of the sophisticated logging tools by the advent of the combination tools in the early 1960s. The barrier to earlier implementation of MWD and LWD was not the logging tools but the method by which to send the information to the surface while drilling with jointed pipe. As it turns out, a key advance in logging tools was not another logging technology but rather mud-pulse technology, which allows nearcontinual transmittal of logging information from tools on the bottom of the drillstring to processors at the surface through measurement of short, varying variances in mud pressure created by a component of the logging suite downhole. It is possible to employ almost any logging suite combination on the bottom of drillpipe and log the hole as it is drilled. While some operators remain reluctant to allow decisions on a well to be made solely on MWD/LWD logs, reliability and correlation have improved dramatically .References 1. Etnyre, Lee M., Finding Oil and Gas from Well Logs, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, p. 161, 1989. 2. Bradley, Howard B., Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, Texas, 3rd edition, pp. 49-14, 49-15, 1992. 3. Etnyre, pp. 94-95. 4. Ibid. 5. Debrandes, Robert, Encyclopedia of Well Logging, Editions Technip, Paris, France, pp. 150-151, 1985. 6. Debrandes, p. 9 Reservoir: a subsurface, porous, permeable rock body in which oil and/ or gas is stored. Most reservoir rocks are limestones, dolomites, sandstones, or a combination of these. The three basic types of hydrocarbon reservoirs are oil, gas, and condensate. An oil reservoir generally contains three fluids – gas, oil, and water – with oil the dominant product. In the typical oil reservoir, these fluids occur in different phases because of the variance in their gravities. Gas, the lightest, occupies the upper part of the reservoir rocks; water, the lower part; and oil, the intermediate section. In addition to its occurrence as a cap or in solution, gas may accumulate independently of the oil; if so, the reservoir is called a gas reservoir. Associated with the gas, in most instances, are salt water and some oil. In a condensate reservoir, the hydrocarbons may exist as a gas, but, when brought to the surface, some of the heavier ones condense to a liquid.
n. [Well Workover and Intervention]A mobile high-pressure pumping unit commonly used for cementing or stimulation operations. Most pump units are configured with a high-pressure triplex pump and one or more centrifugal pumps to precharge the triplex pump and handle displacement fluids.
Triplex Pump
n. [Well Workover and Intervention]A positive-displacement reciprocating pump that is configured with three plungers. Triplex pumps are the most common configuration of pump used in both drilling and well service operations. Pumps used in well service activities generally are capable of handling a wide range of fluid types, including corrosive fluids, abrasive fluids and slurries containing relatively large particulates.
Frac Pump
n. [Well Workover and Intervention]A high-pressure, high-volume pump used in hydraulic fracturing treatments.
Mud Pump
F series (Emsco) mud pumps of various sizes up to 1600HP and 5000psi. Delivery 3-6 months. Our price is start from $60,000 and the price is negotiable.Scope of Application
Mud pump is used to circulate the mud during the drilling.Examples:
We just listed two type of F-1300 and F-1600 mud pump ,which are mainly used in the drilling liquid circulating system, the nominal well depth is between 3500m and 7000m (10,000 ft ~ 20,000 ft)Features
The type of F-1300 and F-1600 mud pump, used the mature advanced technology and the advanced structure in home and abroad,transmission gear system on the power end are the high hardness involute herringbone gears, with high gear ratio, anticorrosion, high strength, high efficiency,the hydraulic end used the hard airproof structure, which makes the reliability of airproof is high,the lubricating system used dual return circuit structures, which raise the lubricating effect, and lengthen the life span,through optimizing the design of the shell and main structure makes the structure more reasonable, maintaining more convenient, performance more stable, and furthermore ,have the merits of low frequency, long stroke, large displacement.Execution Standard and Certificate
The main components of this product accord with the correlated standards of API Spec 7K??Specification for Drilling Equipments? and ?Triplex Single Acting Mud Pump?, and in Sept.2002, this product acquired the authorization to use Official API Monogram.Pumping Units
Pumping Units of All Sizes. Delivery 2-3 months. Our price is start from $10,000 and the price is negotiable. Examples: C25-56-36; C40-89-36; C40-89-42; C-80-133-54; C-80-109-48; C-114-173-64; C-114-143-74; C-160-143-74; C-160-173-74; C-160-173-86; C-228-143-100; C-228-173-100; C-228-213-120; C-228-246-86; C-320-256-100; C-320-256-120; C-320-305-100; C-320-173-120; C-320-213-120; C-456-213-144; C-456-256-144; C-456-213-168; C-456-305-144; C-640-256-168; C-640-256-192; C-640-305-168; C-640-365-144; C-640-305-192; C-912-365-168; C-912-365-192; C-912-365-240Plunger Pump
Plunger pumps for stimulation etc. of various sizes up to 1600HP and 15000psi. Delivery 4-6 months. Our price is start from $80,000 and the price is negotiable.This is a list of free and open-source software for geological data handling and interpretation. The list is split into broad categories, depending on the intended use of the software and its scope of functionality.
Notice that 'free and open-source' requires that the source code is available. Simple being 'free of charge' is not sufficient—see gratis versus libre.
Well logging & Borehole visualisation[edit]
Name | Description | Originator | License | Platforms | Language | Notes |
SGS-Geobase [1] | Drilling data logger that can interface with SGS Genesis | SGS Canada Inc. | GPL | Windows & Microsoft Access | Microsoft Access VBA | Microsoft Access is not necessary, the free runtime is sufficient. Simple graphical interface, Integrity reinforcement, Reporting tools, Satellite Database, Database Validation, Assays QA/QC management with graphics. |
Geosciences software platforms[edit]
Name | Description | Originator | License | Platforms | Language | Notes |
GeoTriple for Oil&Gas Exploration | Geo-sciences Software platform (data management, display and process) | Geoforge project | LGPL | Cross-platform | Java | Interfaces with WorldWind and JFreeChart |
Name | Description | Originator | License | Platforms | Language | Notes |
Gstat[3] | Geostatistical modeling and simulation | Utrecht University | GPL | Cross-platform | C/C++ | Interfaces with GRASS |
gslib[4] | Geostatistical modeling and simulation | Stanford University | MIT | Fortran 77 | ||
PyGSLIB[5] | Python module for geostatistical modeling, designed for mineral resource estimation | Opengeostat Consulting | MIT/GPL | Windows, Linux and OSX | Fortran 95, Cython and Python | It has functions for drillhole calculations, block modeling, wireframing and geostatistics with modified gslib code linked into python |
Forward modeling[edit]
Name | Description | Originator | License | Platforms | Language | Notes |
Virtual Geoscience Workbench[6] | Finite-discrete element modeler | Jiansheng Xiang and others | LGPL | Windows | C#, C++ |
Name | Description | Originator | License | Platforms | Language | Notes |
GeoSyntax[7] | Reservoir modeling | CSIRO Australia - June Hill | CSIRO 'MIT/BSD' (academic) | Microsoft Windows | Java | |
GeoBlock[8] | Reservoir modeling | Pavel Vassiliev | MPL | Microsoft Windows | Embarcadero Delphi | Exact terms not clear |
GeoTrace[9] | Tracer modeling | Muhammed Celik | Microsoft Windows | Visual Basic | Exact terms not clear | |
Albion[10] | 3D model reconstruction and visualisation from boreholes based on QGIS GIS Platform | Oslandia[11] and Areva | GPLv2 or later | Microsoft Windows and Linux | Python |
Visualization, interpretation & analysis packages[edit]
Name | Description | Originator | License | Platforms | Language | Notes |
Dapple[12] | Virtual globe for geoscientists | Geosoft Inc. | MIT | Windows | Originated in NASA World Wind | |
Generic Mapping Tools[13] | Map generation and analysis | Lamont-Doherty and University of Hawaii | GPL | Cross-platform | C | Implemented in OpendTect |
GPlates[14] | Interactive visualization of plate tectonics | University of Sydney, Caltech, NGU | GPL | Cross-platform | C++, Python | Implements GPML |
OpenStereo[15] | Geoscience plotting tool | Carlos Grohmann, University of São Paulo | GPL | Cross-platform | Python | Depends on NumPy and Matplotlib |
SvgNet[16] | Stereographic and Spherical Projections | Arijit Laik[17] | public domain | WebApp | JavaScript | Depends on JavaScript, HTML5 and SVG support in browser |
OpendTect[18] | Geoscience interpretation and visualization | dGB Earth Sciences | GPL or custom | Cross-platform | C++ | Interfaces with GMT |
ParaViewGeo[19] | Geoscience extension of ParaView Includes readers and filters | KitwareParaView, Objectivity Originally MIRARCO | BSD | Cross-platform | C++, Python | Adds specific readers, stereo toolbar, slideshow capability and mining and geology oriented filters to Paraview |
PuffinPlot[20] | Paleomagnetic data visualization and analysis | Pontus Lurcock | GPL v3 | Cross-platform | Java | Desktop GUI and Jython scripting interface. |
Geographic information systems (GIS)[edit]
Genso suikoden ii ost download. This important class of tools is already listed in the article List of GIS software.
Not true free and open-source projects[edit]
The following projects have unknown licensing, licenses or other conditions which place some restriction on use or redistribution, or which depend on non-open-source software like MATLAB or XVT (and therefore do not meet the Open Source Definition from the Open Source Initiative).
Name | Description | Originator | License | Platforms | Language | Notes |
VGeST[21] | Discontinuum modeling | ICL and QMUL | Not obvious | Microsoft Windows | C#? | Previously known as VGW |
Javageo[22] | Multidisciplinary interpretation tool | Goen Ghin | Not clear | Cross-platform | Java (software platform) | |
Noddy[23] | 3D geological and geophysical modeling | Tectask, IUGS | Custom permissive license | Microsoft Windows | C++ | Uses proprietary XVT libraries; requires (free) registration |
RGeostats[24] | Geostatistical R Package | Didier Renard (Mines-Paristech) | LICENSE | Cross-platform | R (programming language) | Free R Package |
Flumy[25] | Forward reservoir models for meandering channelized systems | ARMINES - Mines-Paristech | LICENSE | Cross-platform | C++ | Free demonstration version |
BasinVis[26] | Basin visualization of sedimentary fill and subsidence | Eun Young Lee, Johannes Novotny | LICENSE | Cross-platform | Matlab | |
Geomodelr[27] | Geological modelling from cross sections | Geomodelr, Inc. | SaaS - AGPL | Cross-platform | Python | Allows creation of public geological models in its web platform for free and query the model with an Open Source Python Package |
BGS Groundhog Desktop[28] | Geological modelling from cross sections | British Geological Survey | OGL - Open Government Licence | MS Windows | Java | Free to use software to digitize geological cross-sections, and display and edit borehole logs |
LOGitEASY | Cloud-based field logging software, boring log software, geologic cross section software | https://logiteasy.com | Free/ Pay-As-You-Go/ Subscription | Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android | PHP, Java | Based on USCS Soil Classification Standard, allows generating instant PDF boring logs and geologic cross sections from the data logged using the LOGitEASY eForm |
- ^http://www.geostat.com/genesis/en/download.php
- ^http://www.geoforge.org/prt/product/gtr4oxp/gtr4oxp_about.html
- ^http://gstat.org
- ^http://gslib.com
- ^'opengeostat/pygslib'. GitHub. Retrieved 2016-09-09.
- ^http://sourceforge.net/projects/vgw/
- ^https://data.csiro.au/dap/landingpage?pid=csiro:10810
- ^http://geoblock.sourceforge.net/
- ^http://www.geoseis.tr.gg/
- ^https://github.com/Oslandia/albion
- ^http://oslandia.com
- ^http://dapple.geosoft.comArchived 2006-08-13 at the Wayback Machine
- ^http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu
- ^http://www.gplates.org
- ^http://www.igc.usp.br/index.php?id=openstereo
- ^https://svgnet.github.io
- ^https://github.com/arijitlaik
- ^http://opendtect.org
- ^http://paraviewgeo.objectivity.ca
- ^Lurcock, P. C. and G. S. Wilson (2012), PuffinPlot: A versatile, user-friendly program for paleomagnetic analysis, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13, Q06Z45, doi:10.1029/2012GC004098
- ^http://vgest.net
- ^http://javageo.com
- ^http://www.tectonique.net/tectask/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23
- ^http://cg.ensmp.fr/rgeostats
- ^http://cg.ensmp.fr/flumy
- ^http://geologist-lee.com/basinvis.html
- ^https://geomodelr.com
- ^https://www.bgs.ac.uk/research/environmentalModelling/groundhogDesktop.html