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The main feature of this SporeModder update is file debugging. This special feature (which requires the ModAPI Launcher) allows you to modify models and UI files while the game is still running!
Now that we’re entering the new year, it’s good to look ahead and think about what this year may bring us.The past three years (indeed, we are in the fourth year journey already) have had a significant impact on all of us, but we would like to thank you to our readers for your significant and continuous support and trust during these growths, yet challenging period. We hope you celebrated the. Dear readers, happy new year to you all. Start of 2020—in fact, the start of a new decade—in good spirits with family, friends and obviously, bring along a good book.
To use this feature, first you must install the ModAPI mod that allows you to use it (this explanation assumes you have already downloaded the ModAPI Launcher). Download the file debugging mod here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4702fk47jy2tyf4/SporeModder_File_Debugging.sporemod
Now, execute the ModAPI Easy Installer file in the ModAPI Launcher folder; a file chooser will appear, select the file you downloaded and press okay. The mod should install without any trouble.
This feature is pretty simple to use. When you want to use this feature, first you must pack the mod with 'debugging information'. This is done using this button:
Now, if you open the game using the ModAPI Launcher, you should be able to modify the files in the project without having to restart the game. Note this has some restrictions:
- Adding new files with the game opened won't work. If you want to add new files, close the game and pack the mod again (using the special button).
- Not all files can be modified. Files that are converted when the mod is packed (.effdir.unpacked, .prop.xml, .spui.spui_t, .rw4.dds, .raster.dds, .tlsa.tlsa_t, .pctp.pctp_t) won't reflect the changes in-game when changed while the game is running. Also keep in mind that Spore might keep some files in cache, therefore only reading them once (for examples that might happen in textures, it hasn't been tested). We know for sure that this feature works fine for .rw4 models and .spui user interfaces.
In this video you can see a demonstration of this feature:
Other features included in this SporeModder version:
- Packing mods has been heavily optimized.
- Path detection has been improved. This means SporeModder should be able to detect the path where Spore/GA is installed without any trouble, allowing you to execute the game and pack mods without having to manually specify the path.
- Some bugfixes in the SPUI Editor.
- Lots of bugfixes in the effects packer/unpacker. Now the editors.effdir and games.effdir files can be unpacked and repacked without any errors.
- Bugfixes when unpacking specific packages, like Web.package, where the extensions and folder names where swapped.
- Fixed some problems with .prop.xml files. Now all floating point numbers (i.e. decimals, 0.35 for instance) use a '.' symbol as separator, regardless of the computer language. Also, strings that contain special characters are automatically adapted to avoid problems when converting the file back.
If you have any bug report or suggestion, post it here or contact me at emd4600@gmail.com Chappie soundtrack ninja mp3 download.
An important thing to note is that this doesn't necessarily replace SporeMaster. In fact, we recommend to use Sporemaster for searching files and investigating, since SporeModder is slower at searching.
To open SporeModder just execute 'SporeModder Launcher.exe'. This will check for new updates and download them as they are released.
Warning: Your firewall might complain about SporeModder trying to connect to internet. There's no danger, it's the autoupdate system (it just connects to GitHub).