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Liquids Parachute
Atfer defeating sniper wolf for the second time. At the bottom right corner of the snowfield look at the east wall snake will look at it. Cambell will call up and you'll talk about that if that's liquids.
Snake's Tuxedo
Beat the game twice then start a new game all onthe same file. When going up the elevator inyour third game Snake will take off his gear andwill be wearing a tuxedo. This will be his newoutfit for the rest of the game.
Make Meryl Blush
To make Meryl blush, just stare at her for about 10 minutes. Wait long enough and you'll see her turn red.
Get Invisibility
Beat the game without saving the girl when beingtortured.
Body Armor
When you enter the blast furnace and you havegotten to the other side. Go to the very bottomfloor where the big door you are supposed to gothrough is located. DONT GO THROUGH IT YET! Goover to the oppasite wall and you wll see a roomthere. Go in that room and go all the way to theback. There should be some big pipes there. Crawlunder them through the doorway behind them andyou will be on a platform where the body armor islocated.
Humorous Murder
Beat the game after submitting in the torturechamber to get the stealth camouflage suit. Afteryou start the game again and have acquired C4,suit up in stealth and equip the C4. Go up to asoldier and plant some on his back. Move away(more fun if you're in front of another soldier)then detonate the C4. All nearby soldiers willrun towards where the dude died! Hahahahahaha*picks up more C4*
Kill Psycho Mantis Easily
When you are about to fight Mantys wait untillthe black screen with the 'HIDEO' messageappears, then change your controll in controllerport 1 to controller port 2. Then instead ofsaying 'I CAN read your mind' Mantis will say ' ICAN'T READ YOUR MIND!!' and you'll can kill himeasily.
How To Kill Vulcan Raven
Throw a chaff-grenade and Raven will not be ableto move, then trow some grenades on the top ofthe armor car and you'll hit him, then do it aseveral times until you kill him!
Find Out Where The DARPA Chief Is Located
This tip is mostly for beginners but if you wannasee a short scene, follow my directions. When youget inside the Tanker Hangar for the first timein the game, go up the ladder and crawl throughthe duct. Once you see a vent on the bottom, ascene will begin. Snake will over hear theguards' conversation. They'll mention that theymoved the DARPA Chief into the 1st Floor Basementof the Tanker Hangar. They'll also mention abouta women and an intruder using Stealth that haskilled 3 people already. Who's this women andthis intruder? No time to think. Just turn backand rescue the DARPA Chief (now that you knowwhere he's located).
Hidden Bomb
After you get to the underground maintenance basewhere Metal Gear Rex is, go to the Control Roomand you'll find Ocelot and Liquid Snake. Afterthe scene, Ocelot shoots Snake in the arm andSnake drops the PAL Card key. The key has falleninto a ditch on the 1st floor of the MaintenanceBase. Go to the 1st floor. Once you're on the 1stfloor, the Colonel will contact you. He'll sayyou'll need to use your Mine Detector to find thekey (the PAL Key should come up on the radar as ablinking red dot). Equip the Mine Detector and gointo the ditch located on the left side of thebase enterance. If you see a camera, then you'reheaded in the right direction. Now go in theditch and look at the radar to look for the PALKey. Once you find it, go a little further andyou'll see another blinking red dot. This is abomb! Get the bomb. Notice that it is on a 12-second countdown. If you don't throw the bombwithin 12 seconds, Snake will explode and it'sGAME OVER! However, go to the Items Menu and lookfor the bomb. Press the CIRCLE button to throw itwhile the menu is still open. NOTE: When you goin the ditch, your LIFE Gauge will decrease. Makesure that you have some Rations eqipped.
Hidden Camera
After returing to the cave from the torture, yougo into comm. towerA. Then when you enter a smallroom there will be a camera to the upper rightcorner. If you are seen, keep running until youhave like 10-20 'guys' behind you. They camebecause the camera. Throw a chaff grenade beforeentering. P.S. be sure to have a FA-MAS and lots of ammo.
Tank Hanger Garage
When you contact Meral after you defeat Ocelot,she says she's opening the garage door. Go to thefirst floor and to the left a garage door shouldbe opening.
Metal Gear's Weakness
When you start to battle the Metal Gear, throw chaff granades to disable all his abilities. Then attack him with the Stinger. Note: I reccomend you to aquire the bandana first so you won't run out of chaffs.
Trick The Guard
After you submit at the torture round with Ocelot, you'll find your self in the Medi Room, locked in a cell with the corpse of the DARPA Cheif. How are you going to get out of there? Well, when the soldier outside the cell goes to the bathroom, Otacon will appear in front of the door. He'll give you KETCHUP and a RATION. The KETCHUP is a useful item. After Otacon leaves, equip the KETCHUP and lay down and press the CIRCLE button. Snake will dump the KETCHUP all over him to make it look like he's dead. Once the guard comes back, he'll unlock the door and investigate the cell. Now's your chance to escape. Quickly get up and run out of the cell. The guard will follow you but strangle him using the SQUARE button. If you fail this trick there is another trick. Once the guard is sleeping or in the bathroom, crawl and hide under the bed that's very visable. Once the guard wakes up or comes out of the bathroom, he'll unlock the cell door. Now you can escape. If you fail the firsttime, keep trying! Also if you want to annoy theguard, go up the the wall and press the CIRCLEbutton. Snake will punch and kick the wall. Theguard will keep telling Snake to shut up. If youcontinue doing this, the guard will getannoyed.
Naked Soldier
After you save the DARPA Chief you'll have to getout of the cell. But how? Well, during the sceneyou should've seen a lady doing her exercises.Who was that lady? You'll find out later. Anyway,just wait a few seconds and you'll hear punchingand kicking. Then a guard will open your door.Why would the enemy do that? Well, you don't havetime to think now. Just go out the door. Duringthe scene, the soldier will sound like..A GIRL!!The girl from the other cell must have got out ofher cell and knock out the guard. Then shemust've put the uniform on to make it look likeshe's one of the terrorists! You can see thenaked soldier after you fight the otherterrorists.
Secret Passage
After you go up the elevator, go to the truck andtheir will be your first gun.
Hidden SOCOM
This tip is most likely for people who just started playing Metal Gear Solid. Anyway, at the very beginning, go up the elevator in the back. Then from the elevator on the next floor, go north and you should see a truck. Go in front of the truck and Snake will climb up on it. Then go behind the box and you should get a SOCOM Pistol.
Sleep Talking Guard
Go to the First Floor of the Tank Hanger. Then go to were you get your Socom Suppressor, but don't let the guard see or hear you. Then look with First Person view mode behind him, wait abou 2 minutes, and he'll say 'Who's That while he's still sleeping.'
Meryl Punches You
After meeting up with meryl in the ladiesbathroom when your in the hallway punch merylthen shell wait a second and run over to you andpunch you back knocking you down. Dont do it tomuch cause it takes a little bit of your lifeaway.
Kill Enemies Without Weapon
Press square behind the enemies. It will choke him. Press square again and repeat 5-6 times and it will kill him.
Beat Ninja Easily!
All you have to do is throw Chaff Grenades whenever he gets up and shoot him with the Famas or punch him. (Caution: do this after you get the Bandana)
Make Meyling Mad
Call Meyling 8-10 times and dont save. One ofthose times she will not talk to you.
Beat Liguid Easy
While you are fighting liquid snake stay under metal gear rex and shoot for the jaw. This way he wont see you and you can beat him easier.
Ration In The Cell
When you get in the cell to save the DARPA chief, when your done talking to him crawl under the bed. There should be a ration bax there.
Rations By The Elevator
After you get out of the first part through theelevator, wait for all the little movie clips tofinish. When they do and your behind the box, Goto the left part of the elevator. Go down thelittle path, you should see a box. Thats therations.
Wolf Attack
If you hit Meryl after you get through the wolfcave, she will whistle, and the wolf will attackyou.
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Invincible Wolf Pup
After you get through the wolf cave, shoot thelittle pup, don't worry it will get up after eachtime you shoot him.
Quick Elevator
Go to elevator, press the button. If it doesn'topen right away, press it again. It should openautomatically.
Sleeping Bomb
When guards are sleeping, get close and put C-4 on them. You can put as many C-4 on them as you can or want, it is easy if you have the cloaking device.
Confuse The Guards
After beating the game and giving in and lettingmeryl die, you will have recieved stealth. Ifyou walk through the snow and leave a lot offootprints, the guards will follow the steps allthe way through and get really confused. Alsoby doing this, its a good way to kill of guardsbecause you can make them follow your footprintsuntil they come a mine or a c4 bomb.
Make The Guard Mad
When your are captured just after beingtourtured and in your jail cell..craw along theground or knock on the walls. This will makethe guard mad and he'll start yelling at you.Then if you craw under the bed he'll yell atyour some more.
When your in the scence where you fight the manin the tank and where the ground is covered inmines, if you craw through the mine field, thereare a few items hidden along there that cant beseen.
When fighting the stealth ninja, use chaffgranades. Since the ninja is electronic, itwill cause him to stop moving for a few seconds,giving you a good chance to hit him many times.
Pee On Box
After defeating psycho mantis, and after you getall the way through the wolf cave, and whensolid snake is standing with meryl and thewolves..punch meryl and quickly get into yourbox. The cub wolf will pee on the box alowingits smell to be on the box. So the next timeyou go through the cave, get into that box andthe wolves will not attack you because you smelllike the cub.
The bandanna gives you unlimited ammo, and no auto re-loads. To get thebandanna all you have to do is survive Ocelot's torture rack, then if youfinish the game you will save Meryl and she will give you the bandanna. Whenthe credits have finished, save your game and load it. Look in your inventoryand you will see the bandanna.
2 Socoms
When you get the Socom in the truck outside of the building in the back of the truck, then you get the Thermal Goggles. But, if you were to not get the Socom in the truck, then where The Thermal Goggles were supposed to be, is The Socom. Then when you go to the truck, there's nothing there.
See Through Meryl's Eyes
Right before you enter the commander's room, (where you face Psycho Mantis) when Meryl starts acting wierd and says her head hurts press Triangle and you will see through Meryl's eyes.
More Items
In the first level, go to the elevator and press the B2 button to go to the Amory. Then when you exit the elevator, on the same wall, on either side of the elevator is some of the doors that were cemented over. Blow them up with C4 and take the items. Watch out, one of the rooms has traps on the floor.
Pantless Meryl #2
When going in to the vent where you rescue the DARPA Chief, look down through the vent where Meryl is. Then exit the vent and re-enter the vent and look down at Meryl. She will be doing one armed push ups. Repeat the same process WITHOUT rescuing the DARPA Chief and you will see Meryl doing exercises pantless.
The Easest Way To Win At Metal Gear!
First you must have the Stinger lancher to hit Metal Gear in the Sheild. Once you break the shield it will be blinded so it can't attack. Once you've destroyed its shield you must hit its center to destroy Metal Gear for good!
If you see that a soldier has access to asecurity level clearance higher than yours, youcan use him as a card. You must sneek up behindhim, press and hold square, causing you to draghim. Walk toward the door and face him toward it.The door will open and you must drag him into thedoorway and choke him 2 to 3 times to knock himout. While he is dazed, run in and pick up theitems you need.
Codec Frequencies
When fighting Metal Gear Rex find a good placeto hide at first. But when his radar passes youshot the stinger missile, and do your best tohide under him. And keep shoting and hideing. Buton secound part of it when he lifts his foot, getaway from it because,he's most likely going tokill you if you didn't obay the directions.
Hidden Ghosts
To get a better view when shooting at Liquid Snake in the driving scene, holdTriangle while shooting the gun.
Seeing Through Psycho Mantis' Eyes
When fighting Psycho Mantis, press Triangle to see through his eyes.
Defeating Psycho Mantis
Plug the controller into port two and press any button before fighting PsychoMantis. Little busters ex english translation. The word 'Hideo' will appear in the corner of a black screen. Usecontroller two to fight against Mantis to keep him from knowing your moves.
Annoy Cambell
Snipe the rats above where you first encounter Wolf or Snipe the ravens when atyour second encounter with Raven.
Box Destinations
Equip a box while in the trucks to travel to the destination on the boxes.
Humorous Meryl Comments
Follow Meryl into the Women's bathroom and reach the last stall in under fiveseconds. Meryl will be caught with her pants down during the next sequence.
Konami Game Surprise
Play the game using a memory card that contains a saved game from any priorKonami title (Castlevania, ISS Soccer, Silent Hill, Suikoden, etc.). Then whenPsycho Mantis attempts to read your character's mind, he will mention variousgame titles.
Alternate Title Screen
At the title screen, press the D-pad to change the background color.
Alternate Costume
Successfully complete the game two times using the same saved game file, andgetting a different ending both times by getting the bandana and stealthcamouflage. Then during the next (third) time the game is played, Snake willchange into a tuxedo in the elevator.
New Textures
Successfully complete the game two times using the same saved game file, andgetting a different ending both times by getting the bandana and stealthcamouflage. Then during the next (third) time the game is played, reach Ninjawithout using the bandana or stealth camouflage. If done correctly, Ninja will bered. There will now be new textures for Snake and Ninja and new bonus musicduring the ending.
Reach area B2 of the tank hanger. Then at the end of the hallway to the right ofthe door where you fight Ocerot is a secret room that is entered after using C4explosive. In the room are security card level 4 and 6 doors. The camera is inthe room behind the security card level 4 door. Alternatively, beat the game withsubmitting to Ocelot when being tortured. After you receive the camera there willbe an 'Album' option on the main menu, use this option to view pictures that havebeen taken.
Stealth Camouflage
Successfully complete the game with submitting to Ocelot when being tortured tonot save Meryl. Then at the end of the game you will receive stealth camouflage.Save your game, then start a new game using the same saved game. Now when youequip the stealth camouflage enemies (except bosses) and cameras will not detectyou.
Infinite Ammo
Successfully complete the game without submitting to Ocelot when being torturedto save Meryl. Then at the end of the game you will receive a bandana. Save yourgame, then start a new game using the same saved game. Now when you equip thebandana you can use an unlimited amount of ammo and will not have to reload yourgun.
Technical Demonstration Mode
Successfully complete the following modes in order: 'Training', 'TimeTrial', 'Gun Shooting', 'Survival'. Note: Completing each mode will unlock thenext mode in the sequence. Then, technical demonstration mode will be unlocked.Use it to watch the CPU demonstrate its best time with the gun.
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We have no unlockables for Metal Gear Solid yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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Created by: Brett 'Nemesis' Franklin.Read the full guide..